Friday, February 16, 2007

Flashback Friday: Our first, and almost last, date...

As I've mentioned before, Randy and I didn't go "out" all the time during our dating years. but, we did have what you could call a "first date" and it's a wonder we had more.

Randy decided to take me to the zoo. He figured my dad would for sure say yes to the idea-you know, during the day, lots of people. He was over at our house that evening and approached my dad with the offer. The immediate response from dad: "NO". I didn't hear the conversation, it probably included facts such as: she's only 15 (I was practically 16), your 19; alone with my daughter-no way; do I look like I was born yesterday?!?; I was your age once too, son-no way. Randy, feeling dejected left shortly after. Dad really shocked him.

It took all of about two seconds after Randy's departure for the three of us girls (mom, Nicole and I) to gang up on Dad. We begged, pleaded, stated our case and demanded he overturn his decision. Poor guy, I can't imagine having four daughters plus a wife- he didn't have a chance and was soon convinced it was going to be OK.

Randy picked me up around 10am and I immediately began to mentally criticize everything he was wearing. The sunglasses, that's where I started; Oakleys-the early 90's style-did he really have to wear them? The shirt (if that's what you would call it), flannel, sleeveless, hoodie-need I say more? Yes, he had a t-shirt on underneath. The shoes, all black Nikes-to my 15 year old 'fashion sense'-yuck.
You might think I was a shallow person for the above judgements. You see, I really liked him, but, my nerves were getting the better of me and that's how I expressed them. Fabulous, uh?? Put me in an uncomfortable situation and I'd pick you apart.

We headed to the zoo and I don't remember much of the day there. Randy brought a camera and had someone take our picture for a "momento". You should have seen it: He had his arm around me and I had mine crossed in front of me, no smile on my face-he had on the dorky sunglasses (which were apparently very cool :-0) Sad to say, I cut myself out of it when I came across the picture shortly after we married-it was so bad (but I wish I had it now!).

Honestly, I know he started to have second thoughts about me, but as soon as we returned to my "comfort zone" I was my old self again. Twelve years and three kids later, he was obviously able to see past the 'scowl' of that day and I got over the sunglasses (well kinda).

The moral of this flashback: A. Dads know what they are doing. B. Don't judge everything based on the first date.


Bekah said...

I had no idea dad said no!!

Thank goodness Randy has you... he dresses quite nicely now.

Deborah Hays said...

Poor Randy, It was amazing that he gave our family another chance, let alone you Elizabeth! But we're sure glad he did? JK Ahhhh youth. Can't wait to see you tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

I love hearing about first dates! What a cool story.

My dh was a terrible dresser, too. And don't get me started on his hair!!! I'm giggling just thinking about it. Maybe it's shallow for us to notice those things, but at least we could see through them right? That has to count for something. ;)