Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Do I look cool now?

With Paula off to Oz, *sniff, sniff*, we decided to scrape the ceiling in her room and repaint before the girls move in. Our house has that lovely 70's popcorn on the ceilings that we wish we would have scraped off before we moved in. But, when you are living with you in-laws, expecting your third child and basically living out of a suitcase, you make do and move in. Fast forward five years and we are finally scraping the ceilings one room at a time as we shift things around.

Here is how cool I looked working, try not to be jealous:

I decided I needed to breakdown my look and see what your own input would be:

If only it ended with scraping and painting the ceilings. This post is to be continued.....

Monday, March 28, 2011

What did you have for dinner?

We had a couple of amazingly, warm days last week and I just had to break out the grill. We are so looking forward to Spring staying put for a while!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The case of the conjoined fruits and veggies.

Gage has been addicted to carrots lately and asks for one nearly every hour. When we reached the end of the bag the other day, this is what we pulled out:

Seems we had a case of conjoined carrots!

Then yesterday, we were eating strawberries and found yet another conjoined food in our kitchen:

Ofcourse, the kids found all of this quite entertaining and I, ofcourse, was there with camera in hand to share with you all! Had any funny looking fruits or veggies lately?

Monday, March 14, 2011

Girl has bangs:

With Addie's stick-straight hair in her eyes all the time, I decided a change was in order: add a few bangs and a fun bob to go with them!

Here's the new look:

The bangs fit her spunky personality just perfect.....now Ashlynn would like some!