Thursday, October 22, 2009

What are the odds?

Nicole and I were talking on the phone last night and she got into this story about burning toast and throwing it outside so the house wouldn't smell like burned toast and we were laughing about keeping it away from their dog and how burned toast makes your house stink forever.

She was making the toast because she was short on breadcrumbs.

Hmmm, funny I was short on breadcrumbs last night and made toast too.

She said it was mostly going to be flaxseed meal.

Hmmm, mine was going to be the same.

"Nicole, would you be making breadcrumbs for chicken tenders? The same chicken tenders we just finished eating for dinner?"

Two sisters, two thousand miles apart, both making chicken tenders for dinner, both burning toast trying to make breadcrumbs that we were out of. Seriously, either our menu needs to be expanded or we have some kind of crazy sister mind reading stuff going on!!

Monday, October 19, 2009

It fits, well....sorta.

Ashlynn has been feeling lousy the last few days and just needed a nice soothing bath before bed tonight. After she was finished and I had washed her hair that is so long now, when it is wet it settles in the bath water when she is sitting in the tub, we ran into a little problem.

I had already put Addie to bed.

Addie and Ashlynn share a room.

I had not taken any jammies out of the room for Ashlynn.

With all of our kids, except one, we have been able to traipse into their room and just short of vacuuming, nothing would wake them up once they were down for the night. Can you guess who the exception is?


The girl jumps up like she's be lying there waiting for the moment you creak the door handle. And if you actually make it a couple of steps in the room she really lets you have it.

No problemo, let's just get you something of mine. A t-shirt and pair of shorts will do, just need to roll up the waistband a couple of times and we're good to go.

Wait a second. Did I just put my clothes on my daughter and they're not falling off of her? She proudly pointed them out to Ran before sneaking into bed and he just looked at me in shock....and told Ashlynn she must quit growing this moment.

So many people told me/tell me/will tell me how fast time goes by with your kids, but every single day the speed amazes me. There are moments I want it so desperately to slow down, but then I sometimes think about shoes (& my love of them) and the fact that I have two daughters and maybe there's a chance we could all have the same shoe size one day.....soon.

Friday, October 16, 2009

They know who Mr. Darcy is.

Addie was up most of the night with an earache and I woke up this morning with a sore throat. After I made breakfast I plopped myself on the couch and closed my eyes for a second..or two...or three. The next thing I knew, Ashlynn assumed the role of mommy. She was dishing up snacks, lunch and refilling sippie cups. She made sure the boys played in the basement and kept Addie entertained. After lunch I put Addie down for a nap and put Pride and Prejudice on, nothing like a little Jane Austen to make you feel better. Ashlynn snuggled with me and before I knew it both boys were in my lap watching too.

Maybe I won't mention that part to Randy.

Pretty soon they were neck deep in the plot and wanted to know "why is she crying", "do they have swords", "is he riding his horse to a fight", "where'd Mr. Darcy go?", etc, etc.

Yes, included in my three and five year old boys vocabulary are Mr. Darcy and Miss Elizabeth Bennett. Hey, at least they were asking about swords.....

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Cool it off mommy.

Gage suddenly kicked the habit of sucking his thumb right before I left for San Diego. It was such a shock, I mean this kid loves his thumb like I love chocolate chip cookies. The day I flew home, however, he had picked it back up-apparently he missed his momma!

In an effort to recreate the success, I started applying the no bite nail polish to his thumb to "remind" him not to put it in his mouth. This has been interesting to say the least.

Every few hours he runs up to me, "Mommy, it doesn't taste icky, put the icky on!"

The best was when he got out of bed last night, "Mommy, put the icky on, put the icky on, it doesn't taste icky!" I applied the "icky" stuff to all of his fingers (he insists on this as he started substituting them for his thumb) and then he said, "Cool it off mommy, cool it off!" This was, ofcourse, his way of asking me to dry the stuff.

Evidently he associates everything with food!