Friday, October 16, 2009

They know who Mr. Darcy is.

Addie was up most of the night with an earache and I woke up this morning with a sore throat. After I made breakfast I plopped myself on the couch and closed my eyes for a second..or two...or three. The next thing I knew, Ashlynn assumed the role of mommy. She was dishing up snacks, lunch and refilling sippie cups. She made sure the boys played in the basement and kept Addie entertained. After lunch I put Addie down for a nap and put Pride and Prejudice on, nothing like a little Jane Austen to make you feel better. Ashlynn snuggled with me and before I knew it both boys were in my lap watching too.

Maybe I won't mention that part to Randy.

Pretty soon they were neck deep in the plot and wanted to know "why is she crying", "do they have swords", "is he riding his horse to a fight", "where'd Mr. Darcy go?", etc, etc.

Yes, included in my three and five year old boys vocabulary are Mr. Darcy and Miss Elizabeth Bennett. Hey, at least they were asking about swords.....


TheFitnessFreak said...

How nice. It must be great to snuggle up on the couch and watch a movie : ) I have my swamp cooler going as we speak! I won't tell Randall about the boys watching a chick flick ; )

Jen said...

I love it! How cute that you all watched it together:) Don't worry, I don't think a little P & P would make your boys any less manly - I'm sure Randy will see to that:) I loved watching Jane Austen movies with my mom - that & Anne of Green Gables was our favorite bonding movies growing up.

Beks said...

Chris knows every character from Anne of Green Gables thanks to his mom. He turned out OK. Actually, I think he's sweeter because of it.