Sunday, March 20, 2011

The case of the conjoined fruits and veggies.

Gage has been addicted to carrots lately and asks for one nearly every hour. When we reached the end of the bag the other day, this is what we pulled out:

Seems we had a case of conjoined carrots!

Then yesterday, we were eating strawberries and found yet another conjoined food in our kitchen:

Ofcourse, the kids found all of this quite entertaining and I, ofcourse, was there with camera in hand to share with you all! Had any funny looking fruits or veggies lately?


Jennifer Brown said...

great shots! I had a strawberry like that recently. That's so great that your kids are into fruits & veggies - probably because they see you happily noshing on them. :)

Pickles for Breakfast ! said...

harder to find without it being GMO.
Sad world!

Lizzie M. said...

Well that's not saying much for organic non-gmo produce from Whole Foods :-)!

TheFitnessFreak said...

Very cute. I bet he was a happy camper!