Monday, April 30, 2007

It's a MIRACLE!!

Ryder is completely potty trained!! As I previously posted, I let him know that I didn't have any diapers left and he was wearing underwear. He stayed dry but ofcourse had the other issue. **Issue no more!!** On Friday he was finally able to do it all and with the baggie of M & M's firmly in his grasp, had a yummy celebration!

Let me just say I had nothing to do with this amazing transformation. I mean this kid went 0 to 60 in basically a day. It was prayer, people-and lots of it. The credit goes completely to the Lord on this one, I'm not even touching it. Which is why, after Ryde did the big number, he ran around the room saying "thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus!". Some people might find that inappropriate with regards to the potty, but I think it's such a great opportunity for the kids to see Him working in the "small stuff". And honestly, it was good for me to see too!

So, Thank You Jesus!!


TheFitnessFreak said...

Way to go Ryd!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

That's so cool and gives me so much hope!!! Thank you Jesus indeed!!! :)