Saturday, April 7, 2007

My life today...

Ok, so the potty training thing is not going so well. Seems, just because mom is ready doesn't mean boy is ready. That's all I can comment about that right now.

Our neighborhood had a little egg hunt for the kids today and our church is doing one tomorrow, which translates to one thing-confiscation. Yes, I am the candy police. I confiscate any and all candy the kids receive via Valentine's, Halloween, Birthdays, and any other candy giving Holidays. Some of you are probably thinking I take it and eat it, but I do not. Instead, I put it in a bag on top of the fridge, where it sits until I clean off the top of the fridge (anyone who owns a refrigerator know that's like once every five years). It's then I discover the forgotten candy and finally decide to throw it out. Mean isn't it. I do let the kids have a couple of pieces before I make it disappear, but it ends there. The nutritional wasteland must go.

It's freezing here, by the way. So much for March being the lion and April the sweet little lamb. My Easter attire consists of short sleeves, a skirt and open toe shoes (they are super cute, thanks Paula), but I figure I won't be the only freezing fool tomorrow, who has the time or the money to find something else anyway? Thank goodness that's not what it is all about!!

Have a wonderful Easter Celebration! I am so grateful for Jesus!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hear you on the potty training thing. We've tried twice now and Luke wasn't ready either time. It just makes it more frustrating when you are trying to get them to do something they just aren't ready for. Sigh. So wait we will.