Friday, April 27, 2007

Who does number two work for??

Well, we are attempting potty training again. Yesterday morning I told Ryder I didn't have any more diapers for him and he was going to wear his Lightning McQueen underwear. After an initial resistance and some begging for a diaper, he actually went on the potty.
He managed to remain dry for the ENTIRE day with the exception of numero dos. Seems he has a fear of using the potty for the big job. He held it in all day until we put a pull-up on him at nap time. Poor guy, the last thing I want to cause is a "back-up", but I can't go and throw the whole thing out. We'll work on number two, you can bet on it.

Last night after I tucked him in to bed he proceeded to get up about five times with the "I have to go potty" excuse. I had forgotten this dreaded stage in the game. Having to go to the potty is the best excuse invented to delay the bedtime ritual. "Can you put the potty in the family room so I can watch American Idol?" Here we go.

Today he has done pretty well, with the exception of one accident. Apparently I left him alone playing in the basement too long, away from my constant asking "are you staying dry, buddy?". He is napping now, so we'll see if we can pick it up again.


TheFitnessFreak said...

I am so glad that's over for at least another six months:)

Anonymous said...

Good luck!! Luke is NOT interested and I'm so tired of having two in diapers already!!