Sunday, April 22, 2007

Words a woman never wants to hear.

Paula mentioned she needed a new mouse for her computer Friday and since the kids and I were already out, I offered to pick it up for her. Since she has a Mac I had to go to what is probably considered a techies paradise. I mean this place was BORING!! No offense to the tech folks, but I am what would be considered technically challenged, so it was not really my cup of tea. Rows and rows of hardware (not the kind we used to sell at Alpine Lumber, either!!) and software that gives thrills and chills to the modern age computer genius. The kids were even trying find something interesting about the place too and eventually settled for the drinking fountain :-).
I hurried to the specified Apple corner and after several minutes and phone calls to Paula, we had the mouse in hand and proceeded to the checkout. Did I mention this place was full of men? Very technical looking men, busy getting there technical stuff. So, I finished paying and was headed for the door when Ryder spotted the gumball machine. As I was nicely explaining to him that we were not getting the giant, break your teeth, ball of sugar, an employee walking towards the front exclaimed as loud as he possibly could: "mam, you have something on the back of your pants between your legs". Can someone say "horrified"? As every guy in the place turned to look at me and what might possibly be on my pants, I quickly looked down to see I had a receipt (with one of the kids stickers on it) stuck to my leg just below my backside. A flood of relief washed over me; even though I am nursing a child and am not dealing with those particular female issues right now, the thought still crossed my mind with such a loud announcement.
With the gumball debate ended, I quickly exited the store, vowing to never return.


Bekah said...

No fair, the guys probably didn't think anything of it because you had a legion of kids with you!

TheFitnessFreak said...

You know you'll be wearing panty liners from here on out:)

Anonymous said...

That was good for a laugh! I would have been mortified!

I'm cracking up at the boring store, too - my husband could spend HOURS in a place like that.