Friday, August 31, 2007

The Final Countdown...

The title is in reference to two things. Yes, one being the song itself. This summer I made (with Paula's assistance) two '80s CDs to listen to as we drove to the cabin. In a slip of judgement, I called Randy at work to see if there were any songs he wanted me to download. Yep, you guessed it, among other tunes: Prince, Morrissey and Young MC, my sweet husband requested Europe's "The Final Countdown".

The scary thing: it's Ashlynn and Ryder's favorite song! If you call my house, you will probably hear one of them singing the tune in the background and every time they ride in Randy's truck, it is their first request. Lord. Help. Me.

The other reference is to our festivals. They are biting at our heels and will be here too soon. Mom and I will surely be burning the midnight oil in the next week, sure hope we are making what people are looking for. Otherwise, I know a couple of people taking a fancy cooking class and they definitely need a couple or twenty aprons.

Happy Friday!!!!!!!!!


Bekah said...

Those kids crack me up!

And yes, you know I'm going to buy an apron!

Anonymous said...

You could always look on to see what other people are making/selling. Just an idea.

Luke loves to sing "Yellow Submarine". Gotta love the Beatles!

TheFitnessFreak said...

Thanks! Now that song is stuck in my head:)

Deborah Hays said... many aprons are we going to make??? Yours are way cuter than mine. Mine are definitely big, mom, aprons. It's funny how the style, the fabric, and the kind of aprons each of us have made have defined our age difference. Am I that OLD???? Yours are cheery, fun, darling, and even sexy. (Is that okay to say?) Mine....well let's just say they are meant to get dirty. Lord help me! And look at it this way, if they don't sell.....we are so way ahead of the game as far as Christmas presents are concerned.

Guess what all of you are getting for Christmas. :-)

Deborah Hays said...

Okay Elizabeth, Friday has come and gone!! Tell us about the show!