Friday, December 7, 2007

Our first snow has arrived!

We received a good three inches of snow yesterday. It came in these huge beautiful flakes while the kids watched in anticipation to see if it would accumulate. That's actually what I told them, "you have to wait until it accumulates before you can go out and play in it." They stared at me with these crazy looks until I explained what I meant. The rest of the day they made a point to mention about the snow 'cummulating outside so they could play. Back and forth they went from inside to outside, drinking hot chocolate in between to warm up. They LOVE the snow!!


Bekah said...

Dang it! Why am I not there!?!?!?

TheFitnessFreak said...

How fun! Wish we were there to play in it too:)

Deborah Hays said...

I love those rosy cheeks!! They look like they are having so much fun!! I wanna play!

Love you,mom

Farrah said...

Lucy keeps praying for a big Christmas snow storm. This may be a good time for me to push for the love of sand....sand is pretty...sand is fun! I'm dreaming of a sandy Christmas.

Personally, I'd be happy with some rain.