Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Happy Birthday Ryde!!!

Happy Birthday to my little man! How can you be four already?? You are by far the most passionate kid I know, who else is still playing with their gift everyday since Christmas?? Your batman suit is almost to shreds, but you look so cute riding your bike with it on :-)!

I love that you hold my face so firmly in your hands when you are talking to me and you always have to have two hugs and kisses before daddy or I can leave the house. I love that your favorite color is orange and you don't leave home without your red gloves. Your snow boots sit worn and well, let's face it, a bit stinky, but you want to wear them everyday-even if it's eighty degrees!

Ryde, I love your individuality and hope you continue with your intense passion for life, you are the sweetest boy! We love you buddy!


Farrah said...

The years sure fly by don't they? Happy Birthday Ryder! Love, Lucy and her mommy and daddy too.

Jenn said...

Happy Birthday Ryde!! Hope 4 is good to ya! ;)

Anonymous said...


How did that happen?

Hope you had a happy birthday dude!!