Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Say what?

When moving furniture around the last thing you want to hear goes something like this:

"My teeth! I've been looking everywhere for those!"

When a certain child comes downstairs from being by themselves upstairs, you don't want to hear:

"It's just water momma, it's just water, it's just water momma."

When you have finished decorating the tree and house for Christmas and you are all ready to make those yummy carmel apples you've been waiting all day for, the last thing you want to meet when you ask where all the supplies went is:

A blank stare.

I'll let you guess which kid did what. Due to her age, Adysen has not joined this club quite yet.


Farrah said...

I don't know, Adysen could be the one searching for some teeth so that she can be the one giving the blank stare...yummy:)

TheFitnessFreak said...

Woops! That might have been me. If there are caramel apple fixings within a 1200 mile radius, I'm on 'em!

Beks said...

Um. I took the caramel supplies. Sorry.