Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thanksgiving '09

First, we need to start with what is important...FOOD!

Here are the rolls courtesy of Our Best Bites:

Here are the pies, we had apple, pumpkin and cherry, mmmmmmm!

Dale modeling and using the apron I made for him:

Jake and Addie:

Ashlynn beating all of us at the game table:

Gage feeling privileged to sit at the head of the table (how that happened only Grandpa knows...):

Ryde making his usual face for the camera:
We had a great day and ate until we couldn't move...hey, it's tradition. And we've just sort of been eating ever since. Snickerdoodles. Pecan Balls. Peanut Butter Blossoms (my personal fave). Christmas colored M&M's. Welcome holiday season!


TheFitnessFreak said...

LOVE the pictures! I made the same rolls, World's Best right? Don't they turn out De-vine?!? Yours look scrumptious! I miss the kids SO bad : ( sniff, sniff......

Jen said...

Mmmmm...peanut butter blossoms...I'm not sure what those are, but they sound delish! Love the pics, too:)

Deborah Hays said...

Can I come?? Sniff.. sniff is right.

Beks said...

Rydes face busts me up.