Friday, October 22, 2010

Look what's still blooming!

Here it is October 22nd in the Midwest and my sweet tomato plants have just started blooming again!

Of course, we're still waiting for these September bloomers to turn red....

We've had a glorious late summer and fall this year (last year we had record lows for October-yuck!) and the kids and I have enjoyed every minute of the warm days. I'm keeping my shorts and short sleeve shirts out in hopes that November will turn out just as amazing.

There is always HOPE!!!


Jen said...

Mmmmm. . .this makes me think of fresh salsa and tomato basil soup and thick slices to layer on top of your amazing homemade pizza with that to-die-for sauce. Lately I've been slicing up tomatoes on a plate and sprinkling them with sea salt and freshly ground pepper for a snack.
Enjoy the warm days! Hope they last a bit longer for you guys! :)

TheFitnessFreak said...

I'm jealous! My plants are beyond sad. I have a few random red cherry looking tomatoes but that's it :(