Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Because you have to see Ryder.

Unfortunately, I grabbed my camera after the sun had set on Halloween, so these shots are not fantabulous. Actually, they are the perfect example of why I hate using the flash and avoid it whenever possible. But I thought you would enjoy how Ryder stayed in character for each shot and remained so for the rest of the night.....until he arrived home with the candy bag that is.

Look closely behind Ashlynn and the dude is still posing.

Ashlynn was a rock star/princess, Gage was, ofcourse, Darth Vader, and Addie was a princess, which really isn't dressing up since we call her "princess Addie" every single day. And here we are in December and several pieces remain in their candy bags.....kind of hoping they just forget about the rest....


Jen said...

Ryder is hilarious! Way to strike a perfect super hero pose! :)

TheFitnessFreak said...

Very nice! He's a natural, maybe you could take him to auditions : )