Wednesday, January 5, 2011

It wasn't all bad.

2011. We made it.

The last week of 2010 was quite eventful in our home. Not exactly the eventful most are looking for, but it really wasn't all bad.

Last Tuesday morning Gage came running into our room saying he felt like throwing up. Quickly, I moved him downstairs and let him rest on the couch where he spent the rest of the day not eating and making good on his statement from the early morning hours.

Lovely. Just lovely.

By mid-morning Ryder lay on the ground apparently writhing in pain while complaining he was not feeling good. Enter child number two who received his own pail and a spot on the towel covered sofa.

More of the loveliness.

The best part of the day was that Randy was home. He was so attentive to the boys and held down the fort while I made a mad run to Whole Foods grabbing Recharge, real ginger ale, saltine crackers and electrolyte water.

That evening Gage was almost back to normal and able to hold down a few saltine crackers, Ryde was not fairing as well and we even tried to get him into the doctor's office. The poor boy has a very hard time recovering once he has started down the slippery slope of GI issues. The doc, who had already left for the day, recommended we take him to the ER and we opted instead to let him "ride" it out through the night and prayed sleep would get his tummy under control.

Thankfully he pulled through.

Fast forward to Thursday morning, 4am. I woke to what seemed like the sound of twenty fire engines blaring down the street. Hearing siren after siren, I realized there must have been a house or building fire somewhere close by and Randy was on shift. At the exact same time I heard a coughing sound coming from the girls room. I knew it was Addie. Uh-oh. In my still, slightly, sleepy state I started praying for Randy and all the guys who would be at the fire, praying they would be protected and safe. All I wanted to do was drift back to sleep, but I knew I heard that coughing and with what the boys had been up to on Tuesday, I knew I needed to get up and check on it.

How I love my sleep.

The continuing sound of sirens would not let me return to dreamland so I went to check on the girls. Upon opening the door I knew immediately what the restless little girl on the bed was doing. Let's just say the smell gave it away. Knowing I would need to get the sheets off, I moved Ashlynn into Gage's bed and put Addie on a towel I laid on the floor in my bedroom. After pulling the sheets from the girls' bed and cleaning what I could, I went back to my room and moved Addie to my side of the bed and set her up on the floor (I had just washed my sheets). She lay on the floor so sweetly and I prayed we would both be able to get back to sleep and all would be better in the morning...... be continued.......


Pickles for Breakfast ! said...


Jen said...

Oh my goodness gracious! I'm dying to know what comes next!