Thursday, January 20, 2011

My Mountains.

There are few things on earth more beautiful than the mountains. When you are away from them for a while, you forget there magnitude, their glory, their call to come explore. My brother-in-law, Aaron, has said he doesn't know what he would do if he didn't live near some mountains. "How would I know which way I was going if the mountains weren't there to guide me?"

I woke early the morning before we left and watched the sun rise above the mountains behind the home I was raised in. All of those years as a child, I don't think I ever noticed a sunrise. Of course, I was still sleeping. But us kids would get up as soon as the sun's rays pierced our bedroom windows.

We always headed to the mountains. In part to procrastinate the impending school work mom had for us, but mostly to explore and create. We carved trails hiking up that mountain, made gum trees and forged a lifelong bond with one another. We laughed, rarely argued (we saved that for inside), and let that fresh mountain air fill our lungs for as long as we could hold mom off.

The sunsets I remember. When their beauty was breathtaking (which was often), you could look out the front window and see dad just standing there. Taking it all in. Enjoying the amazing moment that was created for, what seemed like, just us.

In my heart, though, are those treasured, early morning moments spent playing outside. Digging massive caverns in the mountainside for our fortress. Fully equipped with bathroom and all. Dad may never know where all of his tools are, but one day, some great archeologist may find them and rejoice with his link to the past. History. That's what we made on those mornings.

I often tell people, I never lived in the city until I was married and moved away. The city is convenient in ways, with grocery stores and shopping centers only moments away. But mountain living runs through my veins and deep in my roots. I will forever treasure my time with them.

My precious memories are a mere glimpse at the beauty of what is to come beyond this life. Thank you, Lord, for the sneak peek.


Deborah Hays said...

Thanks so much for sharing Elizabeth. I can't tell you how many mornings I just stand and gaze out the kitchen window at those same peaks. I also can't tell you how many mornings I would try to imagine Jesus walking towards me out of those beautiful sunsets. These friends would be hard to leave.

I miss you, mom

Brandi said...

Beautiful pictures and beautiful post! So glad you got to go out there!

Sarah Sterns said...

I understand missing those mountains! I agree with you, although I am so far away now, I consider it one of the major blessing in my life to have been raised in those mountains. As a mom I find myself wanting my kids to have what I had. Thanks for the reminder Liz, it's so true how those mountains helped to shape who we are today!

Jen said...

Those are stunning pics! I love hearing your stories about growing up - the adventures, laughs & memories made - you're such an amazing family!

TheFitnessFreak said...

Aaron will love those! It always has been SO beautiful to see! Thanks for posting them!

Mama V said...

This was so very beautiful, Lizzie!!! It sounds like the ending to a lovely book. Someday, maybe? I too realize how blessed I am to have grown up in the mountains (my hubby lovingly refers to me as "Mountain Girl.") I don't want to take it for granted. There's seriously nothing like growing up where we did. We really were blessed, weren't we?