Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Ryder funnies.

A couple of funny things Ryder has "shared" with us lately:

We were at Target the other day walking down the aisle where "womanly" items were located, and very full of people, when he shouted, "Look mom, bandaids! These are like the biggest bandaids ever!" Before I could stop him, "Look, the whole aisle is full of them!"

Let's just say he gave a good laugh to everyone else within ear shot and managed to slightly embarrass his mother....

Yesterday, he was frustrated about something and said, "This stinks! And I don't mean the smell, I mean the word!"

Randy and I were glad he was walking downstairs as he said it, so we could crack up! Thanks for the laughs Ryde, our resident funny man :-).


Jen said...

He is so hilarious! No one lucky enough to hang out with your kids would ever be bored! :)

TheFitnessFreak said...

Very funny! I wish I could see him and the rest of the kids!!