Thursday, April 28, 2011

Ashlynn and China.

For the last few weeks, in Ashlynn's curriculum, we have been studying Asia. Last week, we went more in depth with China and it's culture. I told her about the dress I had that messy-guy-Grandpa bought me while on business in the Orient when I was exactly her age. She begged to see it and had to try it on. Once she had the dress on she asked if I would take a picture of her in it. Little did I know what she had in mind!

See, she's been playing with photo shop for the last month or so and is apparently having way too much fun! Here is her "finished" product:

Oh, and check out the bag I made HERE.


Deborah Hays said...

That is hilarious! Love the "new" you sweetheart! Love you, grandma

Jen said...

She's so adorable!

TheFitnessFreak said...

That is too funny! Glad she had fun. She makes a cute white Asian girl : )