Monday, August 29, 2011

A moment.

Yesterday at church, before we took communion, our Pastor encouraged us to jot down five things we were thankful for.  Quickly, I rifled through my purse to snag a pen and began writing.  When you live in a free country with the abundance we have, there are always more than five items to list, but we only had a few moments and the suggestion of five was a realistic goal. One thought that came to mind was "moments".  In life, all through the day, the hours, the minutes, the seconds, there are those times when we want to freeze everything and let it be etch into our memory.  It may be the smallest detail or the biggest deal ever, but we grab it and try to seal it in.  That's why I love my camera.  Ofcourse, not every moment can be captured in a photograph, a giggle, a mispronounced word, someone saying "I love you", those are cherished in the heart and mind.  But for many, I grab my camera, aim and hope it will help me remember "the moment":

It's not much really, but when I woke up the other morning, came downstairs and looked out my front door (something I do every single morning!) I couldn't help but be captivated by the way the light was shining through the trees.  It just caught my attention, it was just a moment.


Deborah Hays said...

That is so pretty. Which way were you looking? I don't recognize the house. Say.... thanks for the picture of Ashlynn..... Love you, mom

TheFitnessFreak said...

Very cool. I'll have to try that :)

Jennifer Brown said...

I love savoring the moments, too! Beautiful pic, Lizzie! :)

Beks said...

You really need to teach me your camera secrets!