Friday, January 19, 2007

kleenex, please!

The boys are both sick this week. You know it's bad when your two year old asks you to wipe his nose-"I got snot mama, wipe my snot"! Gage has been up every night for a week now, the poor little guy just can't breathe. I know some people would probably just let their kids cry it out, but I know how comforting snuggling is when you're sick. Gage actually seems to be able to breathe better if I nurse him, and they are only that little once!
Ashlynn has escaped it, again. That girl must have an amazing immune system (breastfeeding for 1+ years, did help with that, though). She did however take a nap a couple of times this week, which was wonderful for me. All three of the kids sleeping at once two days in a row...I actually pinched myself.
Even sick they're still great kids and I even got teary-eyed last night thinking about how fast time is going by already and wondering if I am doing a good enough job at being a mom. I am reading a great book right now (Being a great Mom Rasing great Kids, by Sharon Jaynes) and she talks about building Godly self-esteem in your children that is not related to appearance or performance. It's about loving your kids unconditionally, no matter what. Knowing that they are just children with childish ways that is silly and irritating at times-but loving them anyway-no expectations or limitations.
So I guess I need the kleenex too!

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