Monday, January 15, 2007

home, sweet home

We made it back in one piece!! The drive through Springfield and the surrounding area was both beautiful and devastating. The beauty in the ice covered landscape, something no man could ever recreate, and the devastation to those left without power and many other resources. Blessed we were to have such safe travels and a good visit. The kids did awesome in the car, again!!

We have snow covered ice here at home. It is freeeezing too, Arkansas seemed down right balmy compared to this! Paula was so sweet to have dinner ready for us, it just warmed everyone up. The kids were happy to run around and play-Gage rolled all over the family room and Ryde headed straight for the basement and his trucks. Ashlynn pulled out her dolls, which Ryder insisted on loading into his dump truck-much to Ashlynn's displeasure! Thank goodness they are all safely tucked in bed to get a great night's sleep.
Randy and I enjoyed our time with Grams and Gramps, we stayed up late each night playing Rook. The guys swept the girls most of the time, but we managed to pull out a couple of wins. We think they cheat with the looks they are always giving eachother and it's fun to tease them about it. The major bummer was, ofcourse, the Chargers losing the football game. What seemed to be "in the bag" was lost in the fourth quarter (usually the only part of the game I watch, it's the only time anybody does anything!!). So much for hometown pride, oh well, there is always next season.
Now to get back to normal life, whatever that may be.....

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