Sunday, January 21, 2007

the little things

Today it snowed and snowed! We spent most of our day in the basement playing make believe-Lynnie & Ryde's favorite. I was the gas station attendant and clerk at the toy store. Ahslynn wanted to buy everything and Ryder just wanted to lock the "bad trucks" away in jail. I'm still trying to figure out why the trucks were bad and why he didn't just fuel up at my "gas station". Was it the service? I tried to be prompt and courteous. Maybe it was my "toy store". Were the toys I was selling not appealing enough? Ashlynn and I finally convinced him there was no more room in the jail (daddy's workbench) and ruled the rest of the trucks to be "good".

I must admit, I will never be able to keep up with their endless imagination; I just hope I can appreciate it more often!

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