Monday, January 29, 2007

Tired, but not out!

Today will be a very long day! Gage was up most of the night last night-teething/cold-so I got almost no sleep. He is so miserable, and I really try not get frustrated, but sleep deprivation is not my strong suit!

Randy is on shift until tomorrow night, which will feel like eternity, I'm sure! He helped get Gage back to sleep around midnight and I took over for the rest of the night/morning. Since Randy has to actually "go" to work, it's important for him to get a good night sleep-especially in his occupation. If I lose my patience or am a little irritable with the kids, they are pretty forgiving. A house fire or major emergency won't be as nice for Randy on no sleep.

When he left this morning, knowing my lack of sleep last night, he reminded me to "go easy" on the kids today. I'm so grateful for his calm and patience. He knows how to gently keep me accountable when my emotions can get the better of me.

That difference between men and women with regards to emotion, courage, strength, love, tenderness, and determination is one of the biggest evidences of God. He created us so complex and made us so balanced for each other. Personally, I could never deny Creation or be persuaded that we just "happened".
I am so complete with Randy, so "put together". Thank you Lord for blessing me with this man (flaws and all)!

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