Friday, January 26, 2007

Flashback Friday: the joy of braces

Randy and I started dating when I was sixteen, so I still had those wonderful items of the teen years-braces. Most of the time he came over to mom and dad's house in lieu of going "out on a date" and we played cards, watched movies or were just entertained by the house full of kids.
Usually, I would walk him out to his truck and we would talk about getting married, moving to Texas or Montana, and being able to be together all the time-you know the 'teens in love' stuff! Of course, I would always give him a big hug goodnight with a smile on my face....but this night was different.
Randy had worn a button down flannel shirt over his t-shirt, and as I leaned in for the hug-with a big smile on my face-my braces proceeded to become caught on his flannel shirt! As I wondered how to get myself detached from his shirt, I'm sure he wondered if I was ever going to let go. Finally after a couple of minutes trying to get them undone, I had to admit I was "stuck" to him. After some big laughs, he was able to get my braces untangled from his shirt and set me free.
So, the moral of this flashback: If you are wearing braces, refraining from smiling during a hug, it could get complicated.


Anonymous said...

LOL! What a great story!! I hope to get braces someday, actually, so I'll have to remember your warning!!!

Deborah Hays said...

It's been so much fun reading your blog Elizabeth . I miss those sweet times watching all of you kids growing up. But I am finding that I get glimpses of those times periodically, just by watching YOUR kids. Each of my grandchildren have a wonderful way of reminding me of each of you. Randy was and is such a great guy. I thank God always for bringing him into ALL of our lives and being the father he is to my heart's treasures, Ashlynn, Ryder, and Gage. Hugs always, mom

Deborah Hays said...

It's been so much fun reading your blog Elizabeth . I miss those sweet times watching all of you kids growing up. But I am finding that I get glimpses of those times periodically, just by watching YOUR kids. Each of my grandchildren have a wonderful way of reminding me of each of you. Randy was and is such a great guy. I thank God always for bringing him into ALL of our lives and being the father he is to my heart's treasures, Ashlynn, Ryder, and Gage. Hugs always, mom