Monday, February 5, 2007

Global two cents

What I do:
When I'm not in a room-the light is off, usually.
When we use the bathroom in our house we (most of us anyway) enforce the two or four square rule, depending on, well, you know.
We only flush when, well, you know.
The thermostat is set low. I am reassured of this fact when my warm natured husband states "it's freezing in here, woman!".
I wash my hair once or at the most twice a week-I know it sounds gross, but I'm told it doesn't smell funny.
My kids do not have an excessive amount of toys (yes, many of them are plastic though).
We have requested two recycle bins that go out with the trash and yes, they are full every week.
I take short showers, not shaving everyday really helps with this.
I drive a car with 148,000 miles on it that is tiny and very fuel efficient-yes, three car seats fit in it.
I LOVE to eat healthy, I'm kind of a health nut-organic, fresh food, yum.
I don't buy packaged junk food-except once in a blue moon.
I buy what we need-that's it.

Why I do the above:
I am frugal. Sometimes I am called a miser, penny-pincher, tight-wad, cheap-skate, etc. The list goes on.

Why I do NOT do the above:
We live in the greatest country in the world-yep I said it-the greatest. You know why? We have more FREEDOM than any other country in the world. If this "crisis" were to be addressed as the environmentalist would like, we would lose much of that precious gift. Don't get me wrong, I applaud those who have chosen a minimalist lifestyle, but there is a key word in there...they chose it. If laws were set to "protect" "mother earth" from this sudden disaster or pending doom that has been predicted, it would not end there.
Look at the EVERYTHING this group believes. Most of those bent on saving the planet put more emphasis on it than human life. A tree, for example, is more important than an unborn child, or an elderly veteran. Some might say, "well if there is no earth left, how can human life matter?". I suppose I would first have to buy into the theory of global warming to begin with, but I don't. I could list scientific facts and research to back this up, but I won't, because you shouldn't always believe everything you read on the internet-do the research like I did (be weary of anything that endorses a lot of crazy propaganda).

Stick with me here, my freedom is important to me. I am a capable adult as are most of the people I know; we do not need special laws to inform us on how to live our capable lives. The more you give for the sake of "mother earth" the more they will take for the sake of themselves and their agenda.
Will I continue on in my frugal ways? Sure, I want to be a good steward of what God has so awesomely blessed me with. Do I expect every person around me to do the same? Nope, most probably already are-there's that capable thing again-and if they're not, it will be reflected in there cost of living. Will I always be so healthy? Yeah, like I said, I like it. Will I deprive my children of the occasional ice-cream sundae or Friday night pizza (with REAL pepperoni)? NO WAY! Life is short, and I will not let a cause driven by things that do not stick with my morals and beliefs to take away my freedom in living it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Liz I agree with this completely!! What a great blog! I hate when my professors believe that I automatically believe in global warming and think that abortion is ok but driving an automobile is not. Thanks for sending me the link to your blog, I will certainly be reading it!!! -Erin Bird