Saturday, February 10, 2007

Pizza and Movie night

Last night was our famous pizza and movies night. We try to rent a fun movie and make pizza every Friday night around here. Usually, we just go to the library for the kids movie-they have a great selection and it's FREE!

Last night we rented Flicka and Facing the Giants. Flicka was your typical 'hollywood' movie where the the dad set seemingly logical boundaries that were quickly broken by the daughter, mother and son. And of course, instead of showing that being completely disrespectful and defiant doesn't work, they always end up making the dad look like the jerk. With the daughter and mom's help, he was brought around to see the "error" in his way and became a changed man. Where is the son, you ask? Hello-helping the mom and daughter prove their dad wrong, duh. It wasn't a horrible movie-just typical, you know?

Facing the Giants, aside from being a cheesy indie film, was very good. You know, predictable, the acting wasn't great, but at least it had morals. Especially in the fact that it encouraged Christians to ask for God's help with all things in life-even a football game-was nice. Then we watched the making of the film and that made me appreciate it even more. It looked like they had such a great time filming, you could see their heart was completely in the movie.
So if your looking for a good dose of morals, cheesy as it was, I would recommend it. As for Flicka, it wasn't the worst movie ever, just, well, you know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I always notice that kind of thing with movies too and I HATE it!! It's really amazing the subtle message about parenting/respect, etc that many movies have. Parents don't usually end up looking so good in most Hollywood films!!