Monday, March 26, 2007

Worms, the pizza guy, March Madness....what's going on?

Happy Monday! The weather is beautiful today and that can only mean one thing: yard work. Yes, it's time to start biting the bullet and clean up the leftover leaves from fall and work on that lawn. Ok, so it's more of a weed patch in some areas than a lawn, but this is our first spring in this house, so here we go....

Saturday the kids and I spent the entire day outside enjoying the sunshine. With my trusty rake in hand, I filled eight of those large yellow trash bags with leaves and such-my hamstrings are killing me today!! In the process, we came upon some earthworms which the kids had to play with. They named the largest (the biggest one I'd ever seen in the "wild") 'big daddy worm' and all the others mommy or grandma worms. It was pretty cute, although I'm sure the worms didn't enjoy the waggon ride as much as the kids.

We had Friday night pizza and "movie" (basketball) at D & L, they had an uncle in town and we wan't to spend some time with him (awesome guy!). Usually we make pizza, but decided to go pick it up to save time. We go to this place close by that has 5.99 hot and ready specials and I had to wait about ten minutes (no big deal) for the pizza. So when the guy hands me my pizza's he gives me a free chocolate chip cookie for "the long wait". Ok, pizza guy, you're the best! How did he know choc chip cookies were my fave, fav, fave, fave cookie in the whole world??? I would have waited twenty minutes for that giant soft delicious cookie. Mmmmmm.

If you would have asked me a couple of years ago what March Madness was, I would have responded with the following, "a big sale at Macy's?". Well, I've come to find out that it is a huge basketball tournament, which Randy and his brothers make 'picks' on each year. This year, Randy begged me to make 'picks', "come on hon, it'll be fun, I'll even help you with your picks". Ok. So I make my picks-all by myself-simply going off of what team names I recognize and what sounded good; and guess what? I am totally winning so far, by a mile in fact. Something tells me they won't ask me back next year.....

One thing is for sure, I'm glad Randy's back from Dallas and Paula's back from San Diego-let's get things back to normal?!?, please!!
P.S. Go Ohio!!! (look, it's worth a new pair of shoes, ok?)


Anonymous said...

Grrr. Darn leaves. I LOVE trees, but the leaves are such a pain - literally! LOL. At least it makes for great exercise!!

Lainey-Paney said...

This is random: I googled "Baby Gage" & your blogsite came up.
I have a son, "Baby Gage" as well!


Lainey-Paney said...

This is random: I googled "Baby Gage" & your blogsite came up.
I have a son, "Baby Gage" as well!
