Friday, March 23, 2007

Flashback Friday: Summers in Wisconsin

Every summer (with the exception of having Ashlynn & Gage in July) we spend a couple of weeks in Wisconsin (Randy's birthplace through age twelve) at his grandparents cabin on a lake.
1. Someone in the caravan of cars from here to there has broken down on the way up and the way back-EVERY TIME.
2. One of the most beautiful places on earth, once you get there!
2. Randy down to his "chunders" to retrieve his spendy fishing pliers from the bottom of lake: "Babe, I can see them ten feet down. No problem". If I had a scanner you would see the picture :-)!
3. Me having to use a five gallon bucket as my "bathroom" on a canoe at lake. Seems rowing to shore would have been too much trouble and time taken away from catching the "big one".
4. Outfishing Randy on the St Croix for small mouth bass :-).
5. Randy leaning over to help bring a fish into the boat and dropping his truck keys into the lake. Getting down to his "chunders" wouldn't have helped, there was no visibility in that lake. Can someone say locksmith?
6. Grandpa Fred, his hat high upon his head, tilted slightly to the side; a sparkle in his eye, a bounce in his step and a smile always on his face.
7. Campfires and marshmallows.
8. The "girls" singing God Bless America a capella on the 4th.
9. Grandma Larson always "welcoming home the children", beating everyone at skipbo, dancing with Ashlynn and encouraging everyone to "just have fun".
10. Dale, Linda, "the boys", Sandra, Coleen, David, Jake, Bonnie, Brett and Blake.
11. Home cooking for every meal, Swedish pancakes anyone? mmmmm...
12. Swimming across the lake, at least once every year.
13. Golfing with deer as your audience.
14. Lazy summer days watching the lake and the kids play along the shore, is it July yet????

the Moral of this flashback: Cherish and enjoy every minute with the ones you love, especially those you don't get to see all the time. Life is waaaay too short!

We miss you Grandpa Larson and know we will one day see your bright, shining face again!


Anonymous said...

I've never in my life heard the word "chunders"!! LOL.

Your memories paint a really nice picture of a wonderful family life - you are truly blessed!!

Bekah said...

I want to go!!!