Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Moon Sand: A Product Review

Perusing through Toys R Us several weeks ago in search for Ryder's birthday presents, I came upon an endcap featuring Moon Sand-on clearance too!! As I read about the stuff, it seemed to be just what I was looking for. "Molds just like playdough" it claimed, "but never dries out!" it went on. Could it be? It sounded wonderful, finally there would be no more worry if they left the lid off and I wouldn't find crusty masses of the stuff under the kitchen table. My decision was made and the moon sand was tossed into the cart.

It only took a few minutes after the gift was opened to see why it was clearance.

First of all one should never purchase anything for children that will be used indoors with words like "sand" in the title. This should have been my first hint. They might as well have brought in the sand from their playbox outside and just dumped it all over the basement carpet.

The "never dries out" should have been the second hint. At least when they are done massacring the playdough, you can just sort of ignore it for several hours until it dries out and then sweep/vacuum it up. On the contrary, moon sand sticks to everything. The carpet, the table and chairs, the train set and trains, the tricycle tires and the bottom of shoes. All of this proceeds to get tracked around the entire house and you can just imagine the joy I felt in seeing this.

I'm sure the "children must be supervised" was not necessarily in concern the children might consume the product, but more for their personal safety when their mother sees the mess it created.

Another byproduct that was not mentioned, clean up would not be easy. In fact, clean up broke the vacuum. I'm assuming the heaviness of the "never dries out" sand was more than my vacuum could take and it literally just would not turn back on.

Wonder if I can make a claim with the sand company?

These pictures do not do it justice, it was horrible!

Final Product Review: -5 out of 5 stars.


Bekah said...

OK, I know I shouldn't laugh...

but that's hilarious!!

Deborah Hays said...

Sorry Elizabeth, I'm with Becks on this one. It looks pretty funny.....even though I KNOW it wasn't funny to clean. Question clearance items. They're there for a reason. Love, mom

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! Well think of is as a little piece of San Diego all over you house, but of course I don't recall sand that color there.

Anonymous said...

WHAT a mess! I'm glad it was your problem and not mine. It would not have been pretty. Grams

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the heads up. I'll be sure to stay clear of this product.

Poor, poor vacuum!!

TheFitnessFreak said...

I can only imagine what Wes would do with that stuff:)

Anonymous said...

Hi Liz!!
I LOVE reading your blog! Keeps me in the loop on the day to day - just told Linda last night how much I miss all of you and how much I am looking forwarding to our hang time in Wisconsin. BRINGITON!!
Love you all so much!!

Anonymous said...

Oh honey I know your pain.
We need a support group...PArents of moon sand messes...
I have 3 kids, 7 yr twin boys, 3 yr girl.
Our house was DISGUSTING!
And they never tried to leave the table!
My kids have finger painted on my car, pooped on my carpet, peed on my feet, but nothing ever made me cry...
untill moonsand.
The uncle that gave it to them is an In-law of miine, I don't know what I did to him,
but it wasn't deserving of this!

Anonymous said...

thanks, I just picked two moon sand toys as a last minute "cool thing" for my 3 1/2 year old Grandsons...I have a wonderful relationship with my Daughter in law, so this stuff is going back to Walmart, so now I have to go out and buy some Playdoh!!!

Rachael said...

Your blog made me laugh! My daughter just got some moon sand for her 3rd birthday, and, although I have wood floors (praise God) I feel the pain. This stuff is terrible, thanks for the pictures that prove it. Saving the rest of the world from this stuff is the least we can do.