Monday, June 4, 2007

What day is it?!?

It's been a whirlwind around here since Thursday. Took the kiddos to a local farmstead and they had a blast. They bottle-fed baby goats, fed the cows and chickens, and played in a one room schoolhouse. It was lots of fun and FREE!!!!!

Friday and Saturday was our neighborhood annual garage sale-one of my favorite times of the year. I'v been told (and believe it to be true) that donating the goods and taking itemized deductions on your taxes nets a better profit, but for me, there's just nothing like the cold, hard cash earned at a garage sale. Pre-pricing everything is way to time consuming, I like to just make up a price right on the spot. I usually (ok, always) under charge, but in the end an extra couple of hundred dollars is worth the time.

Aside from what I sold, the kids made a water (lemonade would require supervision) and cookie stand. In the end they doubled their money, so I may skip everything else next year and just sell food to the weary bargain hunters.

We've been to the pool five or six times since it opened and will probably be there everyday this week, ahhhh summer.


Bekah said...

Man! I obviously must have a garage sale!

TheFitnessFreak said...

I wanna come, I wanna come! I need to lay out at a pool A.S.A.P. :) Way to go on the garage sale!

Anonymous said...

Yay for garage sales!! I didn't go to our neighborhood garage sale this year because it was right before we moved and I figured I had enough stuff to pack, but I'll go back for next year. Nothing like a good bargain!!

Deborah Hays said...

Yeah!!!! I'm glad you did so well. I'd have a garage sale here but let's face it, who would come. Maybe a few squirrels and rabbits. I guess I could put a sign up at the freeway exit. That ought to bring an interesting mix. Have fun at the pool! Give my kiddos a squeeze from grandma. Love, mom