Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Colder days.....

The weather is getting chilly here so we aren't getting out that much. Translation: not much to blog about :-). We are already getting "cabin fever" and we must find some order to our day so we don't all go crazy! I know once I start feeling better things will get back to "normal".
Had a sonogram of the baby today. Looks great, long arms and legs that were moving all over the place. The heart rate was still up in the 160s, a girl maybe? I haven't shared much on the blog but the last two weeks have been touchy with some different issues. The doctor is confident that baby is growing well and all things will heal (a slight tear behind the baby's sac has been causing some concern). Anyway, I ask that you keep praying for the health and safety of this pregnancy, it's definitely been testing my faith. My pregnancies have a way of always bringing me closer to God and that's certainly not a bad thing!


TheFitnessFreak said...

I think if it weren't for pregnancies and elections we wouldn't talk to God near enough:) Enjoy your seasonal weather. Does it really get cold in some parts of the world?:)

Farrah said...

Although the struggles in our life are not things we would necessarily choose to endure, without the detours in the road we would have no need for the navigator.
And of course you know that God already has that baby in his hands. During the struggles with the prego with Lu, I just simply gave up control and gave her back to Jesus. Besides, He only entrusts us with the care of his children on earth. And if he can trust us in all our imperfection, to watch over them, how much more faith should we have in his ability? We'll flood the gates of heaven for you both though! Smooches;)

Lizzie M. said...

Thanks Jess!

Anonymous said...


You have one Mom nad Dad standing behind you in prayer every day. Wow!...a girl?

Love Dad

Deborah Hays said...

At least you haven't wanted to put your other children on ebay yet like your sister! I don't even think she was asking for any money, just a taker. Don't you just love those kind of days? I remember the times when I would tell you kids that your mom was not available. I didn't know where she was, she was just unavailable and I was just the babysitter. (And not a nice one at that! You were basically on your on until the mom checked back in. And you were not to disturb the babysitter unless there was real, honest to goodness blood! And as far as the new little blessing, I agree with Jess. Hang in there. You know you have my prayers. Love, mom

Bekah said...

Chris and I have been praying for you too! But 'maybe' my prayers have been prayers for a girl too!!