Thursday, November 1, 2007

Last night

Ashlynn and Ryder excited the "win" candy!

"Robin" looking tough.

Well, when Ashlynn saw all of the inflatables at the carnival she opted to leave her wings in the car so she could "jump better". Ryder had his mask on most of the night, I was just unable to capture a photo of it. My batteries died on the lovely camera, so this is all I have. Sorry!

We came back home and were still able to pass out a bunch of candy, Ashlynn and Ryder were good about rationing it to the neighborhood kids(that and I said when we ran out, they would have to give away their own candy!). It was safe and fun, but best of all...OVER!


Bekah said...

Aww!! They look so cute! Wish I was there!

TheFitnessFreak said...

Too cute! Glad they enjoyed themselves.

Farrah said...

Miss Ashlynn is a mini you! She looks so Hays. You guys have some serious dominating genes.