Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Tired. That is how I feel 24/7 right now. I don't remember being this fatigued with the other three kiddos, or maybe the fact that there are three babes outside the womb to care for that is making me so tired!! In any case, I just need to push through and know that in a few weeks I will have my energy back...I hope :-)!

We are taking the kids to a nearby church tonight for their fall festival. They are, of course, looking forward to getting candy. Like last year they will enjoy a few pieces tonight and then it will conveniently disappear. Ryder is dressing up as Robin (which he calls Batman) and Ashlynn is going to be a fairy princess ballerina (big surprise). Have a fun and safe evening!


Farrah said...

Geesh girl, whith three outside, one in, work, house, cooking, errands, should be falling over! You're fabulous!

TheFitnessFreak said...

Wish I could be there with you.....uhhh, no I don't:) I've experienced that fun 3 too many times:)

Bekah said...

I'm tired now... crud. Maybe I shouldn't have kids!!

Did you take pictures of the kiddos in their costumes?!?!