Thursday, January 3, 2008

2007, what really happened...

The idea of a year end review is great, if you can actually remember what happened.

In January, I do remember starting this blog. Well, I had to actually look up the first entry to get the date, but I knew it was somewhere around that time.

We flew to San Diego in February for a great visit with the fam and soaking up of the California sun. I love going out west in the dead of midwest winter, it makes the final weeks of the freezing cold seem more bearable.....almost.

Unless I were to cheat and look up my blog for March, April, May, and June I couldn't really tell you what happened. I have three kids people, call it a slight distraction of time and life events.

July is easy. Up north to the cabin for three weeks, with a visit from mom and dad-AWESOME! We had the best summer! Golfing, fishing, and just plain relaxing...makes me look forward to this summer.

August, anybody's guess.

September was the start of homeschooling Ashlynn. She loves the curriculum and I love teaching her. September also added a bun in my oven, so I'll consider that one a relatively productive month.

October brought another trip out to San Diego for Johnny's wedding. Just Ashlynn and I flew out, good times.

November, a complete blur of pregnancy hormone induced nausea. A bit of a scare with the pregnancy (ok, a big scare) that brought on seven weeks of "taking it easy".

December, finally by the week of Christmas I felt like a new person, back to my old self again-thank you Lord.

In summary, the kids grew like weeds, became smarter (especially at negotiating and rationalizing) and continue to amaze Randy and I everyday. We catch ourselves watching them and then looking at each other smiling with the "can you believe they are so incredible?" look on our face. We look forward to welcoming another member to clan and the unique personality that will come with him/her.


Bekah said...

I love it!

Yeah. I can't remember some months either. How sad are we?

TheFitnessFreak said...

Oh stop! Now you're just making me feel inadequate:)

Deborah Hays said...

Reading yours and Becka's blogs remind me again of how wonderfully blessed we are. Dad and I had so much fun at the cabin and have enjoyed all of the times that we have been able to get together. We miss being with ALL of our kids ALL of the time. We love you all so much.

Thanks for reminders and especially for the pics.

Love always, mom

Farrah said...

Um ya, year end review. Sounds so good in theory. I enjoy hearing others reviews. I think I will remain mum myself...empahasis on the word mum, it has so many meanings.