Monday, January 7, 2008

I'm so tired...

As we wrapped up pizza and movie night on Friday, Ashlynn came dragging over to tell me how tired she was. Looking at the clock and seeing that it was 8:30 I recommended "bedtime". Her response was: "No, no, I'm not tired in my head, just this part (she motioned from her neck down). I don't need to go to bed, mommy, my head is awake, just the rest of my body is tired."

Why does she have to be so darn smart?


Bekah said...

I totally know how she feels!

Deborah Hays said...

I'm with Ashlynnie. What does it mean though when ALL of you is tired, but you want to stay up and "watch" more movies with the fam.? HMMMMMM.
Not that I would know of course.

Love you, mom

Lizzie M. said...

At least she comes by it honestly!