Wednesday, January 30, 2008

It's been cold way too long....

This morning Ashlynn remarked that her orange tasted like a popsicle. How sweet.

Ryder then asks: "What's a popsicle?"

After briefly choking on my orange I answered: "Well buddy, it's that frozen fruity thing you eat in the summer. You know, the ice cream truck brings them."

"Oh, yeah mommy, the ice cream truck. Now I remember."

Poor guy, it's been so darn cold he has apparently forgotten the pleasure of a popsicle.


Jenn said...

It feels like it's been winter forever for ME - I can't imagine how long it feels to the little ones!

TheFitnessFreak said...

That is one fopa I'll never make:) I wish I could forget about ice cream!

Bekah said...

Poor little guy!

Farrah said...

Dressed in a very warm jacket, a sweater, scarf and hat (I know California cold is not comparable to "other" place cold but for my little body, it's freezing!) I walked by, what looked like the most delicious ice cream shop EVER last Monday. Having just had tea to warm up, it would've been so ridiculous to have some. But I understand the loss! Let's all have a virtual ice cream/ pop and think of warmer times:) sniff...tear