Monday, February 4, 2008

Something is not quite right...

When your 3 1/2 year old, who stopped taking naps months ago, falls asleep on the sofa in the middle of the day, you can bet there's a fever lurking. Sure enough, after three hours snoozing, he woke up with bright red lips and a forehead on fire. Bummer.

After spending the afternoon and evening vomiting (the berry smoothie all over the couch was the highlight), he perked up a bit around nine. Unfortunately, Gage began feeling warm after dinner and was up most of the night. Just a note, pizza vomit in your hair is really smelly.

Ashlynn braved through with a fever and seemed to escape the troubles the boys had. She went to Grandma and Grandpa's house yesterday to avoid any further contact with this nasty bug.

Randy still feels horrible, something about a chest cold and the ice water rescue classes he gave to the police department just don't mix. I told him he needs to go in to the doctor to rule out something more serious, six days is a little long to be sounding like he does.

I will continue to run the washing machine all day. The towels, the sofa cushion covers, the pillows, the clothes. You get the idea. What a fun day, at least it is supposed to be 65 degrees.


Bekah said...

Oh my goodness! That sucks! I'm sure it's so easy for you since your pregnant. Because everyone knows that lifting loads of heavy stuff is super easy.... riiiiiight.

Farrah said...

I'm feeling your pain as my child lays hacking this very moment in our bedroom. We too suffered the Santa cheeks and burning forehead yesterday evening. The fever had broken on Saturday and I thought we were clear but alas, flare up! Thus far the rest of us are surving, hope you do too. Randy should go to the doctor, that's too long to be sick. Get well kisses and Purell baths:) sent your way.

Lisa Gunn Magnus said...

Goodness gracious girl. Hang in there. It can only get better.:)

TheFitnessFreak said...

Just makes you wanna have more kids, doesn't it?:)