Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Working the system or perfect angel?

For the most part Ryde and Ashlynn play really well together. Often, you'll find them side by side, painting at the kitchen table or deep in the land of make believe and superheroes. Sometimes though, if Ryde doesn't play by Ashlynn's "script" she pulls the "I'm not going to be your friend anymore".

Ok, Ryde is three, so she is the only "friend" he has and that can often make him go along with whatever her highness has prescribed. After letting her know those words were unacceptable, I told her I didn't want to hear it again.

So, that brings us to last night. They were playing and I was in the kitchen finishing up the dishes when I heard her utter "Well, I'm not going to-" and then we made eye contact. My arm flew out in the direction of upstairs and she headed to her room. After several minutes, I made my way up there to have a little chat.

"Do you know why you shouldn't say that?" And listen to what she said: "I'm really glad you sent me to my room to think about it. I know that it makes God sad when I disobey and I know that it is mean to Ryder to say those words. I just sat here and thought how happy I was that you made me come up here so I could think about it." Tears were welling up in her eyes when she said all of this.

Now how in the world am I supposed to respond to this? She took the words right out of my mouth and seemed so legit doing it. "Are you for real kid?" So is she a kid genius at working the system or an angel who can admit mistakes?


TheFitnessFreak said...

Sounds like she takes after her Auntie Becka:)

Bekah said...

Hey hey hey now!

corrie said...

Oh Liz, I am just laughing SO hard at that post! funny funny- from the mouths of babes :)