Tuesday, February 12, 2008

95,000 baby names??!?

You would think with a title like "The Mother of all Baby Name Books", all one would have to do is flip through a few pages and surely one of these 'over 95,000 names and their origins' would pop out at you. Um, not so much.

Last night I started the arduous task of narrowing down some names for the baby. Naturally I started at the A and made it through K before conking out, literally. The first letter of the names all started blurring together and looking really odd to me. Was that a 'greater than' or 'equal to' symbol or a K?? I blinked again and again, but my brain was definitely crying uncle.

After barely making it through K, I set the book down to close my eyes for a few seconds. That was at 8:45. Randy woke me at 11:30 from my sound sleep to tell me he was going to bed and maybe that is where I should be heading. I dragged myself up to bed, didn't even change my clothes, did brush my teeth and fell immediately back to dreamland.

All night the most bizarre string of dreams played out in mind, none having to do with baby names. The one where Cole and Bekah were meeting me at Disneyland was my favorite, but what was going on? Did someone slip me some crazy sleeping pill that wouldn't allow me to wake and had me lost in Hollywood looking for the exit to Mr. Bob's Carpets (Nicole told me that was the exit I needed for the park)??

I'm scared to open up that book again, apparently the mental exhaustion it incurs is more than I can handle. Maybe I should just drive around town and start looking at street signs, or better yet, I could just look in my kitchen cabinets. Surely that is how certain celebrities came up with names like 'Cocoa' and 'Apple', right? How hard is it supposed to be????


Jenn said...

Good luck on picking a name. It can be so tough! I love your kid's names so I'm excited to see what you guys choose!

TheFitnessFreak said...

That is what happens when you try to use your brain so I abstain as often as possible:)

Bekah said...

OK, I'll meet you at Disneyland!

Don't forget Sugar, Flour, or Baking Soda for name ideas!

Bekah said...

OK, I'll meet you at Disneyland!

Don't forget Sugar, Flour, or Baking Soda for name ideas!

Farrah said...

Hey, don't knock Apple...it happens to be my nickname! Now I realize these are my animals names but here:)

Legend Terry (Danny's middle name...Terry, not Legend;)
Cagney Gracie
Sydney Ryann
Noel (you can't use his "boy" middle name, Alfonso)
Jordan (again, middle name Rufus...Kim Possible phase:)
Apple Tigerlily
Salem Jamie
Kenya Sheba
Cherry Blossom & Pooh Bear (guinea pigs) That's all I can do for you...Alice and Wonderland dreams to you Magoo!

Deborah Hays said...

Okay, I still say Millie. So what if it is old fashioned! I never once thought about how all of your names, as kids, went together or not. And besides that, I KNEW that your name was to be Elizabeth, John's was to be John and Michael was to be Michael.....and I wasn't going to argue with Who told me to name each of you either. Your names had a clear meaning and blessing. Each time any of you were called, whether you were in trouble or not, you were being blessed just by speaking your name. I thought that was pretty great. Names are obviously are very important to the One Who is forming that little munchkin inside of you at this very moment. So listen up and choose wisely.

Love you, mom

Lizzie M. said...

Thanks for the input Jess! Actually, Randy really likes Jordynn. :-)

Farrah said...

Jordan spelled Jordynn is pretty. I love Y's in names. That's really pretty:) And actually, that goes really cute with Ashlynn, both ending in ynn! Cute...good choice Randy.

I will pass the info on to our big, orange and white Main Coon kitty, Jordan. He'll be thrilled to be in the top running:)