Monday, February 18, 2008

Bedtime routine.

On the nights Randy is home, the kids have a very specific routine. After getting their jammies on they either race daddy upstairs or, their favorite, daddy loads them up, one on each shoulder, or one on his back and one on a shoulder and runs upstairs. Now usually I race with them, but these days I am lagging a little bit behind. My center of gravity isn't what it was a few months ago, but I put in a 'good effort' according to the kids.

Once upstairs the race is on to brush teeth, get last sip of water, and go last potty time. Then the fun begins. Ashlynn and Ryder each get several turns of being tossed up in the air and thrown on our bed. Yes, they actually beg for Randy to throw them "as high as you can, daddy". They even have names for what flip or toss they want and they have the option to close their eyes for "more fun". This goes on and on with giggling and silliness until 'mean mommy' says "that's enough, time for bed". Oh yeah, they're really calm and ready. Right.

They get one final toss into their own beds while I'm repeating "calm down, it's time for bed" a million times.

Thanks daddy, who's the kid around here?

Tonight daddy's on shift, so it will be "so boring" at bedtime. I could always "squish" them (which they beg for as well), the extra weight I'm hauling around will come in handy after all.

Wednesday night I'll try to get a picture of their moves so you can share in my joy.


Bekah said...

What's Randy going to do with 4 kids? He's going to run out of arms!

Farrah said...

I love bedtime routines. But not the one's that consist of, I have to go potty, I'm thirsty, can you come in here for a minute?....stop snoring...oh wait, that last one is my line.

I will share a quick routine with you. Every night, Danny turns off the light and trips dramatically over the clothes on our floor (yes we could just pick them up) and onto the bed. I laugh and say, "there's no way, statistically that you can accidently trip EVERY single night." After all this, he finally gets into bed and begins to settle until he attempts to move the dog. Unable to figure out which end is up, he touches the dogs butt, trips out of bed to wash his hands and then has to do it all over again. Bedtime routines are grand:)