Thursday, February 28, 2008


So Bekah tagged us for a little meme with pics and seeing as how I am without a camera right now, I had to make do with what I have. So, here it goes.....

#1. This has got to be one of my biggest pet peeves. People, who in pictures, real life, or on TV, stick out their tongue for a lack of anything else to do. It's not so bad when it's my own kid, obviously, but it drives me up the wall with most anybody else!

#2. I really, really miss Ryder's long, curly hair. I don't care who likes it short, or think he looks like a "big boy now", I just want the long hair back.

#3. If I could, I would live at the beach. My kids would LOVE it! It is the place I most often dream about going when I want to "get away".

#4. I love Randy's schedule as a fire captain. Some people don't know how I can handle him being gone several nights a week, but I'll let you in on a little secret: I don't have to make dinner, get dressed, have the house clean and it gives me at least 24 hours to fix anything or project that may not have gone as planned :-).

#5. Randy and I make the cutest babies/kids ever! Ok, ok, I know every parent thinks that, so I'm just taking advantage of my rights.

So now to tag, Jess at The Great Author; Jenn over at the crash pad; James at Enchanted-though I know it's his business blog, I'm sure he could figure something out; Kia at Antisdel's Blog; and Corrie, she needs a blog I can look at, so here is your first assignment. Have fun!

The rules for this meme are as follows:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. Share 5 facts about yourself
3. Tag 5 people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them).
4. Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment at their blogs.


Bekah said...

I love it! Cute pictures!

TheFitnessFreak said...

Thanks for saving me from being tagged in my sorry state:) Love the pictures!

Farrah said...

Oh yes, thanks a lot! You just wait, prego or no prego, I will get you back! I have NO MERCY!

By the way, my most favoritest way to pose for pictures is with my tongue out and not for the lacking of a better idea but because I LIKE IT! P.S. I'm posing that way at you now:)

Jenn said...

Oh, I guess I'll have to figure out how to post pictures huh?

I SO hear you about the hair. Everyone says we should get Gabe's hair cute and he's constantly mistaken for a boy...but I know there's no going back once those precious locks are lopped off. :(

Deborah Hays said...

I hate to disappoint you, but I had the cutest kids ever. All seven are beautiful inside and out.

Love, mom

Deborah Hays said...

I hate to disappoint you, but I had the cutest kids ever. All seven are beautiful inside and out.

Love, mom