Thursday, March 13, 2008

The fat lip, sunshine and the zoo....

Yesterday was a gorgeous day, so the kids and I decided to go to the zoo. We were all ready, lunch/snacks packed, and loading up the car when Gage tripped in the garage. The result, a big fat lip:

After some crying and ice, we loaded up and headed out. It was such a BEAUTIFUL day and we had a blast!! We even rode the new carousel-the boys really loved that. You'd think Gage would give up his thumb for a second or two....

We are due for rain today and the temps to drop back down in the forties, but it was a good taste of what is hopefully to come.


Bekah said...

Geesh Liz, no need to be abusive!

TheFitnessFreak said...

So do you lose sleep over his thumb sucking?:)~

Jenn said...

He's still cute - fat lip and all! We had beautiful weather yesterday not so much.

Lizzie M. said...

Colie-you know that keeps me up at night!!! And Bekah-if he keeps the thumb sucking up......:-)

Deborah Hays said...

What a doll-baby.....fat lip and all. I'm so glad that you all are still enjoying the zoo!!!!

Love, mom

Farrah said...

I can think of 10 good reasons not to drop the thumb!

Glad you had some sunshine...hope it get you through until the rest comes:)