Thursday, March 6, 2008

I'm in love....

Thanks to some great advice from my big bro, we have successfully sold Randy's truck. See, we both have five passenger vehicles-four kids +mom +dad=cars not big enough.

Big changes are the plan.

Initially, we were going to sell my car and buy a minivan and keep the truck. but after thinking it over and realizing any time we used the boat we would have to take two vehicles (and you know how much I loathe driving on long road trips, or any other time for that matter), we decided to find one for me that could tow the boat and fit the fam.

Enter the Sequoia. One test drive (not a brand new one people, they're like 55G's-we're talking very used) and I was in heaven. Ok, so I know anything would be a step up from my 170,000 mile, ten year old sweet ride, but this SUV drove like a car. It didn't feel huge and awkward like I expected and it left room to grow, or at least for the kids to grow anyway.

So now I will be the owner of a big, bad SUV. But, hey, I paid my dues for the last ten years in my mini car shoving three car seats in the back seat and somehow "making it work"and honestly, with a family of six, what's a girl to do?


Lisa Gunn Magnus said...

It's about time. What are you going to do with all that room. Your kids are going to be so happy. Enjoy your new sweet ride!

Deborah Hays said...
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Deborah Hays said...

I know that Ran man said that it's hard for a man to part with his truck, but hey big boy, you've enjoyed all the toys you've ever wanted for the past how many years now???? It's nice to see Elizabeth getting a great car for her and the kids. And besides big boy, at least it's not a mini van!!!!! Actually, I would have LOVED to see you drive that!! Hee hee hee. The visual alone is priceless.

Love, mom

Lizzie M. said...

Thanks Lis! Now Ashlynn will acutally be able to buckle herself in since the seat belt holder won't be wedged in between the car seats!! :-)

Bekah said...

I LOVE the Sequoia! I totally want that car!

Farrah said...

First off, I'm so proud that you got an SUV rather than a mini van! Come on are woman, hear you ROAR! Second, I have never liked you more, knowing that you are not a fan of driving. Here I was thinking I was all on my own in that broken love affair. Not that I hate it completely, I have much confidence in my ability to drive safely. It's the rest of the world that scares me!

TheFitnessFreak said...

I'm jealous! Maybe not of the gas bill, but the roominess of a larger vehicle. That and the fact that you drive about 5 miles per week and will still pay less for the gas in your Sequoia than I do in my little Civic:)

Lizzie M. said...

Jess, even when Nicole is visiting here, I let her drive (not that I have much of a choice ;-) ). I just like to be a passenger and not worry about all the other stuff!

Jenn said...

I hate driving too!

Congrats on the new car!! I don't know how you made it so long with a car!!

Oh, and don't feel bad about driving a SUV - you have a big family, you have good reason!

corrie said...

Congrats on the suv! That's awesome girl! I know all too well the act of shoving carseat after carseat after booster seat in my 5 seater cars! LOL...
By the way, the other day we were driving by Target and Rylie insisted that she saw a girl that looked just like Ashlynn. It was too cute :)

Anonymous said...

Awesome! I've got the Soccer Mom sticker in the mail! :) know I'm just jealous!

Anonymous said...

right on! It's about time guys...