Monday, April 28, 2008

The View

So Bekah tagged me for the following, here is the info:

1. Step out your front door and take a picture.
2. Step out your back door and take a picture.
3. Put them on your blog, along with the rules.
4. If there are things in the photos that you particularly like or dislike, you can point them out, or just explain what we are seeing. Maybe changes over the seasons or some junk in your neighbor's yard that drives you nuts.
5. Tag as many or few people as you like - preferably at least one though.
6. Do it again next month if you like.

Ok, so the pictures:

This is our front yard view. It's always pretty this time of year with the trees blooming and things turning green....wish our lawn was in a little better shape.

Here's the backyard. The kids love spending their time out here, jumping on the trampoline or swinging on the "star cruiser". Again, the lawn and weeds could use some attention, hopefully this week....

Now to tag:
Jen , Jess , and James .

Have fun!!


Farrah said...

Um, the view from my front door is a hideous brown fence that's falling apart but nobody takes down because it is now illegal to put fences in front of propane tanks....and there's a laundry room from the 50's....I don't have a back door. I have a side door but since we haven't done yardwork for a while and the trash cans are there it's not pretty! I'll figure something creative out though :)

Beks said...

Geez! California looks so ... so... brown. I miss KC!

Jenn said...

Sweet! I'll totally do this tomorrow!