Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Well Intentioned???

So I find it amazing when you are pregnant how readily people want to give their opinion. Sometimes it's how to raise them, or dress them, or care for them, or discipline them or whatever.

Sometimes it is very silly.

Take naming your child. There you are, belly out for all to see and the first question is always, "Do you know if you are having a boy or a girl?" If you are the kind that finds out, the next question is usually: "Thought of any names yet?" This one is responded by yes or no and possibly the names you are considering.

Unless you are Dutch. The Dutch are very smart. They don't share the name of their babies until the day of birth. I used to think this was so annoying, you need to give people time to "get used to" the name you have chosen, you know, kind of let it "sink in".

Unfortunately there are people who think it is their inalienable right to give their all important opinion of what you are going to name your own child! And, even suggest names they think would be best!

Hmmmm. I'm sorry did you conceive this child? Have you carried it in your womb for nine months? Have you scoured the baby names book until you were cross-eyed and agonizingly exhausted? So please, if you don't like the name we choose, keep it to yourself. It's not at all important to me that you like the name, just try not to be so outspoken when you don't.

Adysen Elizabeth and I thank you.


Lisa Gunn Magnus said...

Liz and Randy,
I Love the name it's awesome. The way you spelled Adysen is so unique. It will fit her perfectly. And Liz I am so proud of you for stating so well how you feel about other peoples opinions. Great job!!
Love you all see you next week!

Beks said...

Wait. So you aren't naming her after me?

Geez. I can't catch a break around here!

Love the name. Makes me think of the hottie doctor Chris is so crazy about on Grey's Anatomy.

TheFitnessFreak said...


Jenn said...

I LOVE it!! It goes great with your other kid's names! How cool.

Ben's mom did this to us when we told her Gabe's name. She never came right out and said she didn't like it, but she kept saying, "well, what about the name blahbittyblah"...Grrr!

Farrah said...

yes, it does make me think of Grey's Anatomy as well...but I like your spelling better. Ok, so I am a name snob, I like unique one's with a classical twist. I am difficul and always changing my own! The writer in me I suppose. Are you ready for my opinion now? Are you sure cause here it comes.....

I totally love it! It's pretty and unique, kinda historical like Addy but with a touch of now. PERFECT!!! But I'm not so sure about Elizabeth;)

Anonymous said...

And we were joking the other night about the whole Lindsey Nicole thing...I know it's hard naming a baby. Poor Keira would still be Baby Girl Hays if the doctor didn't keep telling me to name her Maggie...I had to come up with something quick!

At least you don't have Bekah's problem. Her son could be named Optimus Prime?!?!

And for what its worth I think it's a beautiful name and the spelling is awesome!

Take care and love to all of you!
Lindsey, John, and Keira