Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Happy Birthday Bekah!!!!

Happy Birthday to my beeeautiful sister Bekah!! Hope your day is super fun and hope you enjoy your *cough* gift to yourself *cough* pressure cooker.

Thanks for being not only a terrific sister, but friend as well. I wish so much that you and Chris would move here....I know dad, not what you want to here, but hey, it would be really nice :-)!

Thanks also for being such a great aunt to my kids and always thinking of them-they love you too!!

We LOVE you and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!

Randy, Lizzie, Ashlynnie, Ryde Ryde, Gage Man and Addie


Farrah said...

Hey Bekah! Well gee...aren't you just all growed up? Now it is a little scary that I can say I remember the shy little girl of yester year:) That is certainly not the case anymore! You are confident and spirited and beautiful. Happy Birthday and may God bless you with a lifetime more! Love, Lucy, Danny & Jess:)

Farrah said...

P.S. Liz, your poor parents! If you keep talking people into moving, what are they going to do? Technically, there are less of you there than here. So, you should just move back. Yup, yup. Besides, I wouldn't complain if our kids got to grow up together. No worries, Lucy is SO much less twisted than I was. No lollipop bribery or anything:)

Beks said...

Thanks!! And I haven't tried the pressure cooker yet but I've got to get on it! I only have a 30 day money back guarantee!

Anonymous said...

Hello. This message is for Mrs. B. Oobs. I REALLY did try to call you yesterday!
Hope you had a fun one.
