Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Photo, photo

Here are some pictures of our trip!

The kids in the car, gotta love road food paraphernalia:

Havin' some fun in the lake:

My little fisherman:

Walking with Uncle Reuben to check out the awesome ships:

The kids with Grandma Larson (Gigi):

My little monkey boy:

The fam:

Gage hamming it up:

Sunroofs, gotta love 'em (and the country roads you can actually do this on!):

Addie's first campfire at the lake:

No, Ryde is not on fire, just the crazy way the picture came out (I'm sure James could explain why):

Gage and Daddy by the fire:

A favorite hang out:

Jeff's gi-normous fish:

The kids and I playing in the lake:

Baby wearing at its finest (and pretty much how Addie spent her vaca)

Gage having a seat in the lake:

What we woke up to early one morning:


Deborah Hays said...

Those are the best!!! It is beautiful there and so peaceful. I can understand why you guys go each year. Wish I could have come. Hug the little ones for me.

Love, mom

P. S. Tell the boy he looks soooooo sweet in the wrap.

TheFitnessFreak said...

So much to say and so little time....
That looks like the greatest way to spend the summer as a family! I can't believe Adysen is that big and I've never seen her in person!!! By the way, who stuck there body that far out the window to snap a picture of Ashlynn and Ryder? I can't believe Gage's hair is that light now.

Anonymous said...

Looks like such a fun time.Lots of memories for the kids. Love to all, Mimi and Papa

Beks said...

Geez! Looks like so much fun! I love the photos of the kids sticking their heads out of the sunroof.

Lizzie M. said...

Cole-that would be me. :-)

Jenn said...

It looks like you guys had a blast!!

Farrah said...

The family pic is cute but it looks like Addy is trying to get away and Randy looks like Grisham from the tv show CSI. I also like the one with Randy "wearing" Addy. With only her little hand showing he looks like he's got a growth. CUTE!!! The rest are just beautiful. Hope it was as inspirational as it looks.