Friday, August 29, 2008

Something to think about.

Last night I was reading a book to Ashlynn that Aunt Betty gave to her several years ago titled "God's Wisdom for Little Girls". It is a sweet book that breaks down Proverbs 31 and applies it to her life.

Can I say, it really hit home for me too.

Page 5 read:
Being good to others is so hard to do!
But this is exactly what God asks of you.
So do what you can to be kind to others,
And that includes your sisters and brothers!

"Her husband trusts her completely.
With her, he has everything he needs.
She does him good and not harm
for as long as she lives.
Proverbs 31:11,12 (The International Children's Bible, New Century Version)

(Here's the NIV Version also:

"Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value,
She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life."
Proverbs 31:11,12)

How often, I wonder, am I good to others? Is it for my personal gain or from my heart with the love of Christ and His commands? Also, am I truly a wife that is bringing only good and not harm into our family life?

Thankfully, I know Randy trusts me completely, but I want to strive to do more. To give up what I want and think of others first (especially Randy). To bring joy, peace and love to my household (not the goofy "la la land type" of stuff), but true goodness from following God's Word.

To lack nothing of value in Christ, yes, that's what I want.


Deborah Hays said...

May I just say...... you already do that. Elizabeth, you are such a great mom and an incredible wife. I know that Randy knows that as well.

Love you, mom

TheFitnessFreak said...

That chapter of Proverbs is the reason "Beautiful In God's Eyes" Is one of my favorite books to read over and over:)

Farrah said...

I think you do those things already Liz. I'm the angry and negative one in recent times. But I think, a person tries to do good to everyone and then they get their heart broken every time they let their guard down and sometimes, a really loving person gets really jaded! But not you. I don't even see you in every day life and I can see how loving you are, especially to your family. And you never forget a birthday and make sure to post the things you find good in the person on your blog. You're doing ok girl, really:)